
Before we get into scenarios please read below for some background information for our Safe Church process.

Job Descriptions

Safe Church practices begin with the church organization first being aware of the ministries that they are asking people to participate in.  Job descriptions are developed to ensure that ministry is undertaken in a healthy, responsible, and effective way that will build up God's people and the church.  Job descriptions provide a helpful way of introducing people to the tasks associated with their ministry and to the boundaries of that ministry.  They are meant to ensure that God's people are taken care of both as ministers and recipients of ministry by preventing burn-out in ministers and encouraging people to engage in ministry appropriately.


Safe Church practices continue with the church organization being aware of the people that are called to participate in ministry.  This involves personal relationships and conversations, applications, reference checks.  In high risk ministries (Priests, wardens, organists, etc.), screening also involves police records checks.  These are carried out through the diocesan Xpress Chek process (  Risk level can easily be reduced by involving more people in ministry, such as through visiting in pairs, counting the collection in pairs, and requiring two signatures on all cheques.  Simple measures can reduce the risk level and reduce the number of police records checks required for a parish.  All screening measures ensure that people find themselves in ministries appropriate to them and their circumstances and that those who receive the ministry provided are appropriately protected and cared for. 

Safe Church Documents

Safe Church practices also continue with diocesan policies that seek to protect and care for the people of the church.  Canon 40 (our church law relating to Safe Church),  Safe Church Guidelines, and the Anti-harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy among other documents are available on the diocesan website here:

These are documents that you may wish to read for more information and are always available on the diocesan website for your reference.

The most important way that Safe Church practices continue is in the reality of our ministry.  The scenarios ahead are meant to help us understand how to apply safe church practices to our real world life in the church.

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